LeBron James says become a scientist, not an NBA player – CNET

Commentary: A new Verizon spot, debuting during March Madness, suggests that there are too few glamorous…

Watch how upset people get when their phones are wiped – CNET

Commentary: A Kodak prank ad in the UK shows the sheer agony of your digital life…

Trump’s tweet supporting women appalls many – CNET

Commentary: On Twitter, the president says he believes we need to enlist the full potential of…

Samsung has a clever new message, but will it fly? – CNET

Commentary: A new ad from Samsung, featuring an ostrich with ambition, is beautifully done. Is Samsung…

YouTube moved by Indian bride’s 17-minute wedding dance – CNET

Commentary: More than 7 million people have stared at a bride who goes above, beyond and…

Stephen Colbert snorts at scrapping of internet privacy rules – CNET

Commentary: The late-night host compares the situation Congress hath wrought to staying at a hotel that…

Donald Trump tweet-threatens Republicans – CNET

Commentary: After losing on Trumpcare, the president unleashes his Twitter account on members of the Republican…

Trump’s tweets get burned daily by a robot – CNET

Commentary: A new Twitter account features videos of the ritual burning of every tweet emitted by…