Consumer virtual reality was again a hot topic at Mobile World Congress in 2017, but the…
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Country as a service becoming reality in Estonia
Programme to help foreigners set up businesses in Estonia through virtual residency is gathering pace
From bootcamp to business: getting connected
This is the second in a series of articles charting the progress of participants from HutZero,…
New wiper malware hits Middle East and Europe
In the wake of the Shamoon and Shamoon 2.0 malware attacks, a new wiper called StoneDrill…
Can you work around SAP indirect access software licensing?
The SAP legal case against Diageo highlights the seemingly arbitrary rules governing software licensing
Accept everything is hackable, business told
Many companies are in denial about cyber attacks, but they need to accept that they are…
Bank branches still more popular than mobile apps for new accounts
Major research reveals the opportunities and challenges facing fintech firms
Escaping waterfall government and the myth of ‘digital transformation’
An agile approach to digital programmes will not transform Whitehall unless the waterfall approach to policy…