NBN Co to connect an extra 440,000 homes to Fibre to the Curb – CNET

Fibre to the Curb, or FTTC, will now reach 1.5 million homes and businesses by 2020.

Ronda Rousey stole the show at Wrestlemania – CNET

Commentary: Ronda Rousey's in-ring debut went way better than anyone expected. Now, for the first time…

Samsung estimates another quarter of record profit – CNET

The Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus phones lead Samsung to yet another record financial quarter.

MIT’s AlterEgo headset can read words you say in your head – CNET

When you think a sentence in your head, your brain sends signals to your mouth and…

Perth opens new city centre, hackers load it up with Pornhub – CNET

Perth's new Yagan Square has two electronic signboards. A month after the square opens, hackers load…

Facebook data of over 300,000 Australians hit in data scandal – CNET

The country was hit the 10th hardest in the Cambridge Analytica scandal that has rocked Facebook…

Tinder crashes after Facebook implements new data policy – CNET

Take our data, Facebook, but not our Tinder.

How the YouTube tragedy turned into an internet mud fight – CNET

Commentary: When a shooter began firing in YouTube's San Bruno, California headquarters, many took to the…