It’s official. Superhero fatigue syndrome has set in – CNET

Please, no more blockbusters. All my blocks are already busted.

If renewable energy can power entire countries, why isn’t everyone doing it? – CNET

A country getting all its electricity from a combination of wind, solar and hydro sounds like…

The Nokia 8 Sirocco is solid, but not exciting enough for its price video – CNET

It's fast, has a long battery life and an improved design over last year's model, but…

Nokia 8 Sirocco review – CNET

The Nokia 8 Sirocco is the best Nokia Android phone yet, but not exciting enough to…

A closer look at the Nokia 8 Sirocco – CNET

It's a bit wide, but still quite the looker.

Donald Trump weighs in: ‘Laurel’ or ‘Yanny?’ – CNET

The White House, much like the world, is split on the whole "Laurel or Yanny" fiasco.

Bill Gates says he had to tell Trump HIV and HPV are different. Twice – CNET

Gates was speaking to a crowd about his first two meetings with the US president, neither…

The OnePlus 6 has an Avengers edition, and it’s dope – CNET

Kevlar-patterned casing and a gold Avengers emblem sets this already exciting phone apart.