Schools in Alabama warn parents about Blue Whale ‘suicide game’ app

A “suicide game” presented in an app sounds like an urban legend or something from a…

Local cost of a Big Mac decides ransom amount for Fatboy ransomware

Location, location, location … you’ve heard it many times before but not when it comes to…

NSA collected 151 million records of Americans’ calls, allowed 1,934 to be ‘unmasked’

Despite the USA Freedom Act of 2015, the NSA collected 151 million records of Americans’ phone…

MIT device measures walking speed with wireless signals to detect health problems

The way a person walks, or gait recognition, has long been used for biometric purposes, but…

Fitbit: One explodes, data from another used to charge husband with wife’s murder

Oh good, another case of exploding devices. This time the culprit was a Fitbit Flex 2,…

Researchers remotely kill the engine of a moving car by hacking vulnerable car dongle

Israeli firm Argus Cyber Security recently reported that it had been able to remotely “take control…

DHS’s ICS-CERT warns of BrickerBot: IoT malware that will brick vulnerable devices

Since the emergence of Mirai, you may have wondered if your IoT device has ever been…

1,175 hotels listed in payment card breach of Holiday Inn parent company

You may recall commercials for Holiday Inn Express that revolved around a “Stay smart” theme, but…