These new headphones let you talk to Amazon’s Alexa anywhere you go

 Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant is slowly making its way out into the world, via third-party hardware…

DxO One update will add multi-camera Facebook Live streaming

 The DxO One add-on camera accessory for iPhone really does get better with age; first, it…

Uber’s self-driving cars start picking up passengers in San Francisco

 The autonomous cars won’t operate completely driverless, for the time being – as in Pittsburgh, where Uber…

Microsoft to open Cortana virtual assistant to third-party devices and apps

 Microsoft is making Cortana available to third-party device makers, and opening up the platform to third-party…

Udacity adds 14 hiring partners as AI, VR and self-driving talent wars heat up

 Udacity is positioned perfectly to benefit from the rush on talent in a number of growing…

Chevrolet delivers its first Bolt EVs to customers

 Chrevrolet has delivered its first three Bolt EVs to customers, making its success in delivering a long-range…

DOT proposes vehicle-to-vehicle comms requirement for new cars in the U.S.

 The U.S. Department of Transportation wants all future cars in the U.S. to be able to…

Velodyne’s latest solid-state LiDAR design keeps costs low for production at scale

 Velodyne has a new LiDAR sensor design that could help bring an autonomous driving future closer…