This ‘artificial iris’ is like a pair of programmable shades in contact lens form

 Smart contact lenses have been the stuff of science fiction for a long time, but as…

Pebble’s story, from Kickstarter sensation to Fitbit acquisition

 Pebble has had a long, one might say rocky road. As one of the earliest and…

Reddit overhauls upvote algorithm to thwart cheaters and show the site’s true scale

 Reddit has just completed a major redo of its scoring algorithm aimed at cracking down on…

You should probably still avoid toys that talk with your kids

 If you were thinking of getting your kid a little doll or robot that they can…

New journal Science Robotics is established to chronicle the rise of the robots

 Over the last few years, robotics and every other field have come to inform and improve…

Microsoft researchers sound off on the next decade in tech

 It’s Computer Science Education Week, in case you didn’t know, and in honor of this hallowed…

Facebook begins asking users to rate articles’ use of ‘misleading language’

 A survey asking users about “misleading language” in posts is the latest indication that Facebook is…

The clever, absurd RokBlok rides your vinyl’s grooves like a hipster race car

 Sometimes you see a gadget and think simultaneously, “that’s insanely clever,” but also just “that’s insane.”…