Uber restarts self-driving car tests after Arizona crash – CNET

A collision between one of the company's robocars and a human-driven vehicle prompted a brief pause…

Chuck Berry dies, Twitter cries ‘Hail, hail rock ‘n’ roll’ – CNET

The legendary guitarist, songwriter, singer and showman gets a final ovation from his famous disciples and…

Google buys Kaggle and its gaggle of AI geeks – CNET

In its quest to carry us into the machine-learning decades ahead, Google acquires what it calls…

In quest for sweet search combo, Pinterest buys Jelly – CNET

The scrapbooking site acquires the search app co-founded by Twitter's Biz Stone.

PS4 to get Boost Mode, external drive support March 9 – CNET

Thursday's the day the "Sasuke" update will arrive, says Sony.

Report contradicts Uber’s explanation of robocar red light slip – CNET

After video showed an Uber self-driving car running a red light, the firm cited "human error"…

AMD Ryzen 7 chip promises gains for gamers – CNET

The chipmaker says its new processor will serve up big improvements in performance. Look out, Intel?

New ‘Futurama’ game will feature original writers, cast – CNET

Mobile game Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow will include "new stories from the original writers, cast and…