HTC may be putting itself up for sale – CNET

The troubled company is also looking at selling its virtual-reality business.

Watch CNET’s biggest sci-fi nerds review the film ‘Valerian’ video – CNET

Luc Besson's newest movie "Valerian" is not a bad movie, it's just not a good one.

Is this Microsoft’s canceled Surface Mini? – CNET

In 2014, Microsoft unveiled the Surface Pro 3. But there might have been another Surface that…

The already super-cheap Moto E4 gets even cheaper – CNET

At $99, Republic Wireless is selling the Motorola Moto E4 for $30 less than its normal…

Get the new HTC U11 phone for $50 off – CNET

HTC’s U11 has squeezable sides, is fast as hell and now costs just under $600.

The best moment from every Marvel Cinematic Universe movie video – CNET

We're 21 movies in, with another on the way. Here's the best moment for each film.

Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies – CNET

CNET's Eric Franklin ranks all 19 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and asks that you…

Activbody Activ5 Release Date, Price and Specs – CNET

The Activbody Activ5 is a small puck-sized device that is surprisingly effective at working your muscles.