When Germany's Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) released a prototype sensor for allowing smartphones to smell,…
Author: Evan Schuman
Amazon’s Echo privacy flub has big implications for IT
Amazon has confirmed a report that one of its Echo devices recorded a family's conversation and…
BJ’s baffling mobile right-swipe machine-learning move
When BJ's Wholesale Club on Thursday (May 3) said that it would leverage artificial intelligence machine…
Has a U.K. company figured out how to fix the loyalty problem with its mobile banking app?
One of the longest-running retail problems involves loyalty points and gift cards and the fact that…
Walmart’s mobile checkout trial is a major advance
When Walmart rolled out its mobile Check Out with Me program last week, it made a meaningful…
A bad day with mobile 2FA
As a longtime proponent of two-factor authentication (2FA) in a mobile world, I was pained to…
IT beware: University finds new 4G security holes
IT has enough to worry about with traditional data breach issues, but now researchers from Purdue…
Will an EZPass mobile payment partnership work? It very well could
Over the decades, major technology advances have typically fallen into one of two categories: truly disruptive,…