With Amazon’s AR mobile app, you don’t need a depth-sensing camera to sense depth

When Amazon announced its new augmented reality (AR) mobile app for iOS last week, it stressed visual…

Target Pay’s holiday launch is good for shoppers, bad for retail

Target will ring in this year's holiday season with its official mobile payment system, what has…

Amazon wants to deliver groceries to your car trunk — not a good idea

In the minds of mobile shoppers, where is the line between convenience and personal space/privacy? We…

MasterCard’s virtual reality purchases deliver not-so-virtual headaches

One of the most powerful attributes of e-commerce today is its relatively effortless due diligence, where…

CISO: Think about how your customers actually use your mobile apps

It's not every day that a veteran chief information security officer (CISO) pens a book that…

And the award for worst mobile idea of the year goes to Walmart

For some reason, Walmart seems to go out of its way to find and embrace mobile…

Can Amazon truly become a mobile payment power?

In the U.S., mobile payment schemes are numerous (Walmart Pay, Target Pay) but  only a few…

Apple’s clever strategy for forcing partners to use Face ID

When Apple announced the iPhone X last week, the most sophisticated (and widely predicted) feature revealed…