Thor’s roommate Daryl survived Thanos’ deadly Infinity War snap – CNET

The God of Thunder's roomie would really appreciate getting that rent money sometime soon.

William Shatner: Let’s get Carrie Fisher a Hollywood star – CNET

Star Trek's Captain Kirk joins actor Mark Hamill to suggest a star honoring the late Star…

Star Wars: Episode IX photo: Fans seek Prime Jedi clues – CNET

A mosaic in a new photo hints at a Jedi history plot point, but these might…

Magical mystery song: Math solves Beatles songwriting puzzle – CNET

Even John Lennon and Paul McCartney couldn't remember who wrote the music for In My Life.…

Idris Elba shakes and stirs James Bond rumors with new tweet – CNET

The debonair actor stokes fan dreams by paying homage to one of Agent 007's classic lines.

Stranger Things didn’t mean to cast all your 1980s favorites – CNET

The hit Netflix show set in the go-go decade features some major 1980s stars, but that…

Avengers producer: We kept a shocking secret from film’s stars – CNET

Some things, even a superhero shouldn't know too far in advance.

Star Wars star Mark Hamill reveals worst advice he ever gave – CNET

Maybe don't take acting-career tips from Luke Skywalker is what we're saying.