The classic Spider-Man villain and comic antihero is taking center stage -- but maybe he should…
Author: Gael Fashingbauer Cooper
Beer on Mars? Budweiser is brewing up a plan to make it happen – CNET
The beer company is bubbling over with hopes to make a microgravity brew that can be…
Patrick Stewart reveals he uses medical marijuana every day – CNET
The Star Trek captain says cannabis-derived medications allow him to sleep at night, and have relaxed…
‘Gardens’ of the Galaxy joke blooms on social media – CNET
Well, the superhero squad does have a baby tree, so maybe the new nickname is pretty…
Goldfish with custom-made ‘wheelchair’ gets back in the swim – CNET
Swim bladder disease makes it impossible for a fish to stay buoyant, but some ingenuity and…
Bill Nye to President Trump: Come on, send humans to Mars – CNET
The Science Guy and CEO of the Planetary Society has five recommendations for the president, and…
20 classic ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000’ episodes hit Netflix – CNET
We've got movie sign! Fan favorites -- including "Manos," "Puma Man" and "Time Chasers" -- are…
MMMStop! Hanson’s 25th-anniversary tour confirms you’re old – CNET
Hey, 1990s kids, now it's your turn to feel ancient: The baby-faced band of brothers has…