Final ‘Kong’ trailer explains all the ways to die on ‘Skull Island’ – CNET

But best of all, viewers get to watch King Kong step up against one of the…

Slurrrrrrp! Drax grosses out the ‘Guardians’ in new teaser – CNET

Not sure which is weirder: the fact that the movie trailer has its own trailer, or…

Oscars flub: Best picture goes to… wait, what? NOT ‘La La Land’ – CNET

The 89th annual Academy Awards ends with a shocking twist: "Moonlight" turns out to be the…

Storm spotters honor Bill Paxton by spelling his initials on map – CNET

Actor remembered for his role in 1996 "Twister," which inspired a generation of storm chasers.

Surprise, you’re at the Oscars! Tour bus stunt divides Twitter – CNET

Some on social media found the Jimmy Kimmel prank charming, but others thought it was cringeworthy.

Words you never expect to hear: ‘Suicide Squad’ wins an Oscar – CNET

The Joker has an even bigger reason to smile after the action film takes home the…

‘Hidden Fences’ goof reappears at Oscars, Twitter takes off – CNET

While the red-carpet mistake was immediately corrected, social media didn't hide its fascination with the error.

Jackie Chan causes early panda-monium on Oscar red carpet – CNET

Twitter users could bear-ly stand the cuteness. The martial-arts actor explains he is a panda ambassador…