Cop selfie saves the day — and the missing purse – CNET

A quick-thinking Seattle police officer texted a photo to prove his identity, and got results.

As far as Siri is concerned, you are Lego Batman – CNET

Just address Siri in a certain way, and she'll treat you as befits the master of…

Australians, why is ‘Cantina Band’ your top sex song? – CNET

Forget Barry White and Marvin Gaye. Australians are getting it on Mos Eisley-style, according to Spotify.

Zoo trolls Patriots fans by naming a cockroach for Tom Brady – CNET

Even an under-inflated football would smash this tiny version of the Super Bowl-winning quarterback.

New Wonder Woman dolls would ride roughshod over Barbie – CNET

The superhero is both beautiful and badass in these new movie tie-in dolls coming from Mattel.

Old-fashioned dating behaviors we (sort of) miss – CNET

Never gonna fall for modern love. OK, we are. But every now and then, we long…

A Trump dress and golden Beyoncé: Grammy fashion gone wild – CNET

From a dress straight out of Chuck E. Cheese to a Donald Trump-themed gown to Twenty…

How I found love online — in 1991 – CNET

Long before romance seekers started swiping right, a CNET writer met her spouse on a long-extinct…