A U.S. Federal Communications auction of repurposed television spectrum has raised US$19.8 billion and will pave…
Author: Grant Gross
An agile Air Force slashes time to roll out new IT capabilities
Can an organization really cut development time more than 70 percent by embracing the agile philosophy…
US FCC kills plan to allow mobile phone conversations on flights
Imagine a fellow airplane passenger sitting next to you and yelling into his mobile phone for…
FCC kills plan to allow mobile phone conversations on flights
Imagine a fellow airplane passenger sitting next to you and yelling into his mobile phone for…
Update: Spain arrests accused Russian spammer at U.S. request
A Russian man long connected with sending spam emails has been arrested and is being held…
Spain arrests supposed Russian computer scientist at US request
A Russian man reported to be a computer scientist has been arrested and is being held…
Spain arrests accused Russian spammer at US request
A Russian man long connected with sending spam emails has been arrested and is being held…
U.S. lawmakers demand to know how many residents are under surveillance
Two powerful U.S. lawmakers are pushing President Donald Trump's administration to tell them how many of…