How to sideload extensions in Microsoft Edge

We’ve already seen how to install Edge extensions the official way, as well as an unofficial…

Snapchat’s Groups let you chat with 16 friends at once

The holidays are about bringing people together, and what better way to bring your family and…

Cortana’s coming to robots and smart devices via Windows 10 for the Internet of Things

In 2017, your new fridge might be able to tell you corny jokes and serenade you,…

Popular uBlock Origin ad-blocker appears in Edge’s walled extension garden

There aren’t a ton of extensions available for Windows 10's Edge browser yet as Microsoft's maintained tight…

Skype’s radical real-time voice translator now works with normal phone calls

Skype snuck an interesting new feature into its preview build of the Skype Windows Store app…

Super Mario Run’s always-on Internet requirement could ruin the fun for many gamers

When Super Mario Run debuts on iOS next Thursday, players hoping to while away their subway…

Hulu finally makes subscriber accounts easier to share with multi-user profiles

Hulu is finally getting its act together and offering multiple user profiles for a single account. This…

Three tips for dealing with an unruly desktop

We’ve talked before about how to keep the desktop clean. But for desktop addicts it’s not…