No, seriously. It's gotten so bad that FedEx feels it has to pay you to use…
Author: Ian Sherr
Goodbye, GChat! Hello, Hangouts – CNET
Google's replacing its GChat instant message service with its 4-year-old Hangouts. Most people probably won't notice.
You can order Tesla’s solar roof tiles in April – CNET
The electric-car company's solar roof efforts are beginning to take shape.
I shot down drones and jumped between rooftops — in VR – CNET
The startup Nomadic wants to build VR rooms where you experience in a whole new way…
Status Update: A podcast about parenting in the age of tech – CNET
Coming soon from CNET, a new show about how tech is changing the way we raise…
WikiLeaks CIA docs show it’s not 2017, it’s 1984. Now what? – CNET
Commentary: Even though I'm no terrorist, the unconfirmed WikiLeaks disclosures about the CIA scare me. They…
Microsoft: Systems seem safe from WikiLeaks alleged CIA hacks – CNET
PCs running the latest version of Windows 10 should be safe from the alleged security vulnerabilities…
What Nintendo Switch? This guy’s friends built a portable SNES – CNET
Someone on the internet appears to have hacked an old Super Nintendo so that it's portable.…