Account information belonging to 569,703 players of Mortal Online massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is…
Author: Ionut Ilascu
Banking Trojans and Shady Apps Galore In Google Play
Despite Google's defenses for the official Android marketplace, cybercriminals still manage to sneak in a banking…
Fake Yandex Voice Assistant App Found In Google Play
Malicious developers hoping to catch more victims pushed to Google Play a fake client for Yandex's…
Google Has Trouble Detecting Fake Tech-Support Ads
Fraudulent tech-support services buying advertising space from Google has grown in sophistication to a level that…
Philips Reports Its Own Device For Nine Security Vulnerabilities
Philips evaluated one of its products and discovered that it was vulnerable to nine different security…
SonarSnoop Acoustic Side-Channel Attack Can Steal Touchscreen Interactions
A new academic study shows that a regular smartphone can act as a sonar system and…
Bitfi Wallet Is Vulnerable, No Bounty, No “Unhackable”
Following weeks of Twitter dispute, Bitfi finally admits what people in the security industry thought from…
Cobalt Hacking Group Tests Banks In Russia and Romania
In new spear-phishing campaigns observed this month, the Cobalt hacking group targeted banks in Russia and…