Samsung’s Galaxy Fold: Bright future or dead end?

With a starting list price of $1,980, the Samsung Galaxy Fold is no mass-market device in…

Is your company part of the GDPR ‘mobile loophole’?

Mobile tech, and especially mobile brought into companies through BYOD, has unique challenges for companies that…

Location-based services move beyond mobile and into enterprise apps

GPS has been with us for many years, and this is what most consumers think about…

2018 will be the year of ‘smart’ in mobile

Mobile remains a very competitive business, with major smartphone vendors continually trying to outdo one another…

Microsoft’s plan to sell more Windows S devices

Last April, Microsoft announced it was working with vendor partners on a new class of PC,…

iPhone X vs. Galaxy Note 8: The battle of the $1,000 smartphones

Both Samsung (Galaxy Note 8) and Apple (iPhone X) have now launched their premiere smartphones, having…

11 tech breakthroughs that led to today’s smartphones

In this tenth year of the iPhone, and with a new model’s imminent release, people tend…

IDG Contributor Network: Don’t be so quick to think Intel is abandoning the Internet of Things

Intel recently announced it is ceasing its efforts in the small chip (Joule, Quark, Edison) and…