AirTV’s slick marriage of Sling TV and OTA channels isn’t in the product yet

AirTV was one of the most intriguing cord-cutter products to debut at CES earlier this month.…

The cord-cutting gear from CES that’s most likely to find a place in our living rooms

Cord cutting is here to stay Image by ThinkstockFor a trade show that tends to favor…

For cord cutters, 2017 will be the year of the antenna

The timing seemed appropriate last Sunday when NBC blocked all online streaming services from showing the…

Here’s what’s coming next from Sling TV

A lot’s changed in the two years since Sling TV made its grand debut at CES…

TiVo is developing a new set-top box user interface that can also run on top of Android

You might still think of TiVo as a DVR company, but this year a different strategy…

Catching up with Silicon Dust, makers of the HDHomeRun

While other cord-cutting companies put together flashy product announcements for this year’s CES tradeshow, SiliconDust is…

AirTV: What to expect from Dish’s new cord-cutting device brand

Reality was more ambitious than rumor when AirTV made its big debut at CES 2017.Instead of…

Ockel crams Windows 10 into a pocket-sized touchscreen PC

A little-known company called Ockel wants to put a touchscreen Windows 10 PC in your pocket.At…