Who died in Avengers: Infinity War? Who’s still alive? Let’s recap… – CNET

Equip yourself with knowledge and tissues before the final battle with Thanos in Avengers: Endgame.

Fantastic special effects in Roma and where to find them – CNET

It's not obvious, but Alfonso Cuaron's masterpiece is filled with CGI. VFX supervisor Aaron Weintraub walks…

Roma’s ‘invisible effects’ are a sight to behold – CNET

That's right, Alfonso Cuaron's art house masterpiece is a treasure chest of CGI.

The House with a Clock in its Walls review: A Harry Potter imitation worth your time – CNET

Spoiler-free review: Forced to move in with his estranged uncle, an orphan discovers that the creepy…

Drone assassins are cheap, deadly and available in your local store – CNET

You don't need the military to pull off an attack of the drones. They're capable of…

China has an actual court dedicated to the internet – CNET

“Internet court” is a thing.

Plastic waste destroying oceans could be used to fuel cars – CNET


Meet the bonnethead, the world’s first omnivorous shark – CNET

The bonnethead shark is the first omnivore of its kind, incorporating plant in its diet.