Both phones claim their sound will blow you away, so we put them to the test.
Author: Jessica Dolcourt
Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium’s camera could be better than Galaxy S9’s – CNET
The Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium could have a better camera than the iPhone X, Galaxy S9…
How the Galaxy S9’s worst feature was made by Oscar winners – CNET
The startup that made 3D emojis for Samsung's phones promises change.
With limited-edition red iPhone 8, Apple is doing it wrong – CNET
Apple and Samsung should sell specialized phones at launch, not after.
This $99 dock makes your Galaxy S9 a ‘laptop’, sells May 13 – CNET
Or, preorder a Galaxy S9 or S9 Plus from Samsung and get the Dex Pad for…
This $99 dock makes your Galaxy S9 a ‘laptop’, sells May 13 – CNET
Or, preorder a Galaxy S9 or S9 Plus from Samsung and get the Dex Pad for…
Apple takes on US government over clean power, because China – CNET
Apple says repealing the plan would give Chinese competitors a clear edge.
Twitter says it won’t break third-party Twitter apps June 19 – CNET
Relax, you can still use Talon, Tweetbot, Tweetings and Twitterrific.