Ford invests $1 billion in Pittsburgh-based Argo AI to build self-driving cars by 2021

 Ford has invested $1 billion in a joint venture with Argo AI, a Pittsburgh-based company with…

This must be the year of mobile security

 If I gave you my phone right you’d be able to figure out a lot of…

The Daily Show’s MakeTrumpTweetsEightAgain is political commentary at its geekiest

 Whether you agree or disagree with his policies one thing is certain: making someone’s Tweets look…

My brick

 There are a few beautiful lines in Wilson Rawls’ Where the Red Fern Grows that came…

Wiivv steps on $4 million to bring your feet into the 21st century

 Hardware Battlefield favorite Wiivv has announced a $4 million Series A funding and an acquisition. Not…

Researchers simulate a ransomware attack on industrial controls

 Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have created a form of ransomware that can hit…

What happens when you dump the App Store?

 In what amounts to one of the purest and most interesting experiments in assessing value of…

Trump2Cash lets you invest automatically whenever the president mentions a publicly-traded company

 With the rise of algorithmic stock trading it’s gotten harder and harder for humans to actually…