Join me for a New York Micro-Meetup next week

 The holidays are upon us and I’m holding another micro-meetup as part of the NYSG at…

The $300 New Matter Mod-T is more a toy than a 3D printer (but that’s OK)

 As 3D printing moves from the realm of hackers and hobbyists into the commonplace it’s clear…

Radio.Garden lets you tune into the globe

 Some of the most beautiful products are the simplest. Take Radio.Garden, for example. This project by…

Dataplicity lets you access your Raspberry Pi from anywhere

 Say you’re just a small town girl living in a lonely world and you took the…

The Firefly 2 offers a smooth, cool draw for your vaping pleasure

 It’s getting nigh on Holiday Season and how better to celebrate the old Yule log than…

The StällDesk türns your boring tablë into an exciting ständing dësk

 Around the neighborhood they call me a few things. Stinky John is one and Old Rattlepants…

Big data expert Flavio Villanustre talks about the future of massive data stores

Flavio Villanustre is an expert in Big Data. He and his team at an offshoot of…

John Glenn

 On February 20, 1962 John Glenn had a problem. Glenn, the first American in robot, was…