When people ask me what this column’s theme is, my usual response is, tongue-in-cheek, “Whatever has…
Author: Jon Evans
Why is Android Studio still such a gruesome embarrassment?
About twice a year, I get involved in a project that requires me to do some…
H-1B and you and me
Let’s talk about something non-awful that Donald Trump has done. (Shouldn’t take long, right? Ba-dum-bump-wince.) Specifically,…
Technofascism and the three percent
Everywhere I look, I see the magic number: 3%. On the right, a whole quasi-militia movement…
Voting is at risk; let’s strengthen it
In the wake of President Trump’s ludicrous lies about illegal votes in November’s election — immediately…
WhatsApp, Signal, and dangerously ignorant journalism
There is something about encryption that brings out the worst in journalists. Because to most of…
Dronerise: gradually, then suddenly
Drones feel a bit like old news already, don’t they? At least in the Valley, with…
AirWander for your wanderlust: legitimately impressive
It’s reassuring to know that, jaded as I am, every so often, I can still stumble…