Beek is the emoji-based book review site aiming to change e-commerce in Latin America

 Leveraging post-literate tools like YouTube and emojis to create a website and mobile app that allows…

Whisper launches new tool to automate article creation from its user-generated content

 After months spent watching other anonymous messaging and sharing apps come and go, Whisper is coming…

Chattanooga-based Skuid raises $24 million for its “codeless” app development toolkit

 Pitching a “codeless” user interface that allows anyone in a business to develop applications for business intelligence,…

Omidyar Network and the Anti-Defamation League are launching a center to combat cyberhate

 With hate crimes reportedly on the rise across the country and online, the Anti-Defamation League is setting up a…

Tutoring startup Toot launches into twin policy storms around education and immigration

 Earlier this week, as President Donald Trump was readying his second attempt to block immigrants from…

Investment platform Motif launches value-driven automated investment service

 The tech-enabled investment advisory space gains a new entrant this morning as Motif, a mobile and…

Backed with $2.8 million Anchor’s digital radio revolution gets new tools

 Anchor FM, the audio social network, has just raised $2.8 million and launched some new tools…

IBM and Salesforce partner to sell Watson and Einstein

 Two of the best-marketed names in artificial intelligence are coming together to pitch their wares to…