Meet the five startups vying for Best App at the 10th Annual Crunchies Awards

 2016 sucked, if we’re being honest with ourselves. But the year wasn’t a total waste. The…

These are the 5 videos vying for Best Startup Video at the 10th Annual Crunchies

 The 10th Annual Crunchies Awards show is right around the corner, and this year’s event will…

Amigo helps you stop texting and start hanging with your friends

 Social planning is a tough nut to crack, but a new app called Amigo is looking…

Managed By Q lands $30 million in Series C funding

 Managed By Q, a service that automates office management, has raised $30 million in Series C…

HyperScience, with $18m in Series A funding, offers AI to solve back-office problems

 You can’t swing a bag of cats these days without hitting a company that’s working on…

Simple Habit launches out of Y Combinator to be the Netflix of meditation

 Simple Habit, the Netflix for meditation and mindfulness, is today launching publicly out of Y Combinator.…

eHarmony makes its questionnaire optional to get hip with the times

 eHarmony, the OG dating site that focuses on lasting relationships through compatibility, has today announced that…

Confirmed: Zola wedding registry raises $25 million from Lightspeed Venture Partners

 Zola, the online wedding registry for engaged couples, has confirmed that it raised $25 million in…