These researchers can hack your phone with sound waves – CNET

This hack is more cool than scary, but it shows how hard it is to anticipate…

CIA hacking? Hooray! Privacy advocates see an upside – CNET

It appears US spies are using targeted hacking tools in their investigations. The surprise: That could…

WikiLeaks: Here’s how the CIA hacks your phones, TVs and PCs – CNET

The organization releases thousands of documents it claims show how the US spy agency can crack…

‘Hunted’: Can a reality show spark a digital privacy debate? – CNET

Former White House CIO Theresa Payton hunts down reality show contestants on TV. She hopes viewers…

Smart toy flaws make hacking kids’ info child’s play – CNET

CloudPets maker Spiral Toys left children's voice recordings and account info exposed, reports say. It appears…

Uber, Fitbit, OkCupid info exposed by ‘CloudBleed’ flaw – CNET

A bug affecting 3,400 websites leaked data, including usernames, passwords and messages sent by users.

Google charitable arm to give $11.5 million for racial justice – CNET

The search giant's program says it will double its investment in such programs with new…

Amazon argues Constitution protects your chats with Alexa – CNET

In a murder investigation, prosecutors want recordings from the suspect's Echo. Amazon says the First Amendment…