Microsoft introduces Azure Sphere to protect your IoT – CNET

It's a comprehensive system meant to secure some of the most vulnerable devices connected to the…

Shadow profiles: Facebook has information you didn’t hand over – CNET

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told lawmakers you control all the data you give the social network.…

Privacy imported: US weighs EU-style regulations to protect your data – CNET

Congressional hearings with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg get lawmakers talking about regulations for internet companies collection and…

Can Facebook’s new hires take on troll farms and data privacy? – CNET

CEO Mark Zuckerberg promises the social network will hire 10,000 new security and content moderation employees…

Ransomware keeps its hold on your data, Verizon says – CNET

The company’s annual data breach report shows hacking attacks that take your files away got worse…

Facebook wants to be extra clear about what it’s gathering on you – CNET

New privacy policies don't let Facebook take more of your data, but CEO Mark Zuckerberg won't…

Facebook axes Russia-linked pages to stop election interference – CNET

Mark Zuckerberg says a Russian agency has "tried to manipulate people in the US, Europe, and…

Apple sends iOS 11.4 to software developers – CNET

The new operating system for iPhones and iPads went out this week, the week after the…