Padlock Screen Locker Removal Guide

The Padlock Screen locker is a Trojan that displays a picture of a locked door with…

Kaspersky updates RannohDecryptor to decrypt CryptXXX’s Crypt, Cryp1, and Crypz Extensions

If you are a CryptXXX Ransomware victim who didn't pay the ransom and instead decided to store…

The Week in Ransomware – December 16th 2016 – Samas, No More Ransom, Screen Lockers, and More

Lots of small little ransomware updates with no big news from any major Ransomware distributions. The…

CIA Special Agent 767 Screen Locker Removal Guide

The CIA Special Agent 767 Screen Locker is a Trojan that displays a screen containing a…

Apple releases Security Updates for iTunes, macOS, Safari, and iCloud

Today Apple released the macOS Sierra 10.12.2, iTunes 12.5.4, Safari 10.0.2, and iCloud for Windows 6.1 updates…

Adobe updates numerous Applications to resolve 30 Security Vulnerabilities

Adobe released security updates for Adobe Animate, Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Experience Manager Forms, Adobe DNG…

Microsoft’s December 2016 Patch Tuesday comes with 12 Security Updates

Today is the December 2016 Microsoft Patch Tuesday and we have twelve security updates being released by…

Microsoft’s December 2016 Patch Tuesday fixes Zero Day disclosed by Google

Today is the December 2016 Microsoft Patch Tuesday and we have twelve security updates being released by…