What the repeal of internet privacy rules means to you video – CNET

Congress has cleared the way for broadband providers to sell your information to advertisers without your…

Congress just killed the online privacy rules. Now what? (FAQ) – CNET

Republicans in Congress have repealed the FCC's rules protecting your online data. What's it mean for…

One smart assistant to control them all? – CNET

From CNET Magazine: CNET's consumer advice columnist Marguerite Reardon looks at digital assistants for the home.

House pulls the plug on internet privacy rules – CNET

Consumer advocates say this means broadband providers will sell your browsing history to the highest bidder.…

Trump talks up Charter’s $25 billion investment and jobs – CNET

The president pats himself on the back as the cable operator commits $25 billion for broadband…

AT&T’s 911 outage left 12,600 callers in the lurch – CNET

A network configuration error left thousands of AT&T customers around the country without access to emergency…

Senate votes to kill broadband privacy rules – CNET

Lawmakers invoke the Congressional Review Act to kill controversial privacy rules adopted by the previous Federal…

FCC gets tough on robocalls – CNET

The commission approves new rules that give phone companies more ammunition to fight annoying robocalls.