Gene therapy: What personalized medicine means for you – CNET

From CNET Magazine: What if the next pill you took were tailored to your genetic makeup?…

AT&T offers a year of free HBO to new DirecTV Now subs – CNET

Free HBO? What's the catch? AT&T customers will have to pay $60 or $70 a month…

Will 2017 be the year smartwatches finally take off? – CNET

A greater emphasis on fashion should help smartwatches and other wearables appeal to the mass market,…

Google seizes the season change with two Doodles – CNET

Wherever you are in the world, you will get equal amounts of day and night on…

Apple beefs up AR team with top engineers – CNET

Apple has hired engineers who worked on Oculus and HoloLens VR headsets and 3D animation experts…

T-Mobile makes headway in Dallas 911 investigation – CNET

Ghost calls from T-Mobile customers aren't to blame for issues Dallas is experiencing in its 911…

T-Mobile working to resolve 911 ‘ghost call’ issue in Dallas – CNET

A flood of calls to 911 in the Texas city may have resulted in the death…

FCC chairman promises broadband for all – CNET

Republican FCC head Ajit Pai says he'll cut regulatory red tape to get broadband deployed faster.