Watch a great white shark interrupt police in Australia – CNET

South Australian police were doing a regular patrol when they ran into a great white shark.

Piano playing with LEDs is like Guitar Hero in expert mode – CNET

Watching people play piano with a reactive visualiser is extremely intense.

Google Doodle celebrates Maya Angelou – CNET

The poet's incredible life story is celebrated on what would have been her 90th birthday.

YouTube HQ shooter Nasim Aghdam ran video channels – CNET

The San Bruno Police Department identifies the shooter, who reportedly maintained her own YouTube video channels.

Reddit’s fancy new redesign is out now – CNET

A small percentage of Reddit users will get access to Reddit's new desktop redesign starting from…

Deleting Facebook? 31 percent of tech workers surveyed say they will – CNET

But there's a big difference between saying and doing...

How to make sure Facebook isn’t scraping your call data – CNET

It's an easy process, but if you haven't done it yet, now is as good a…

All Galaxy S8s, Note 8s to receive Oreo update within 3 weeks – CNET

The (extremely long) wait for Samsung phones owners is almost over.