Flat-Earther shoots homemade rocket, and self, 1,875 feet up – CNET

After a number of failed attempts, flat-Earth "researcher" Mike Hughes finally gets his rocket, and himself,…

Facebook isn’t a ‘community’. It’s a weapon – CNET

Commentary: Facebook isn't a "community". It's a dangerous tool, especially in the wrong hands.

Blizzard pushing back on Pepe the Frog memes in Overwatch – CNET

You'll be seeing a lot less Pepe at Overwatch events, and from Overwatch pro players.

Head of Xbox still wants Banjo-Kazooie in Super Smash Bros. – CNET

Fans have been waiting for years to see Banjo-Kazooie in Super Smash Bros. Maybe now is…

The woman who quit cosplay to make video games – CNET

Ally McLean was one of the world's most popular cosplayers -- until she quit to make…

Fortnite on iOS is going live today – CNET

Invites for the "so hot right now" sandbox survival shooter are being sent out right now.…

Drake and Ninja just broke a Twitch world record playing Fortnite – CNET

Drake: rapper, entrepreneur, Twitch streamer... record breaker.

The creator of Fruit Ninja just made half its team redundant – CNET

It was one of mobile gaming's earliest runaway success stories but now Halfbrick, the creator of…