Akyumen’s Hawk smartphone packs a projector

Over the past decade there have been several attempts to cram video projectors into smartphones. All…

Akyumen’s Hawk smartphone packs a projector

Over the past decade there have been several attempts to cram video projectors into smartphones. All…

Akyumen’s Hawk smartphone packs a projector

Over the past decade there have been several attempts to cram video projectors into smartphones. All…

Sophos CEO sounds the alarm on enterprise ransomware attacks

Ransomware is increasingly becoming a problem for companies, and the CEO of a leading computer security…

Sophos CEO sounds the alarm on enterprise ransomware attacks

Ransomware is increasingly becoming a problem for companies, and the CEO of a leading computer security…

IBM’s hub for wearables could shorten your hospital stay

Researchers at IBM have developed a hub for wearables that can gather information from multiple wearable…

IBM’s hub for wearables could have you out of the hospital faster

Researchers at IBM have developed a hub for wearables that can gather information from multiple wearable…

IBM’s wearables hub could get you out of the hospital faster

Researchers at IBM have developed a hub for wearables that can gather information from multiple wearable…