2 ways to keep your MacBook from falling asleep – CNET

Stay with me, MacBook.

How to keep your Chromebook from falling asleep – CNET

Keep Awake will keep it awake.

Here’s the best way to use Dropbox on a Chromebook – CNET

Accessing Dropbox from Chrome OS's file manager is preferable than accessing it through the Chrome browser.

How to use an external drive with a Chromebook – CNET

Not all of your files are stored in the cloud. Learn how to move files between…

How to upgrade your MacBook Pro with an SSD – CNET

Make your cranky, old MacBook Pro feel like new again.

What to do if you lose your Apple TV remote – CNET

You have three options as I see it.

Kill these 4 trackpad settings to get more from your MacBook mouse – CNET

MacBook's trackpad is already great but you can make it better.

Find out if someone has accessed your MacBook’s camera – CNET

Get notified when your MacBook's iSight camera is being used to keep hackers from spying on…