Windows 10 Cumulative Updates KB4340917, KB4338817 and KB4338827 Released

Microsoft has released a new patch for systems running the Windows 10 April 2018 Update (version…

Microsoft Getting Ready to Launch Windows 10 Redstone 6 Preview Builds

With Windows 10 Redstone 5 nearly feature-complete and close to entering the stabilization process, Microsoft is now…

Unknown Dev Brings LibreOffice to Windows 10 via the Microsoft Store

The free and open-source Microsoft Office challenger called LibreOffice is now available in the Microsoft Store…

Microsoft Trying to Fix the Windows 10 App Gap Ahead of Andromeda

In order to achieve a successful launch of Andromeda, Microsoft first needs to fix the "app…

Microsoft To-Do for Android and iOS Updated With New Features

The Microsoft To-Do app was recently updated on Windows 10 with the star feature and today…

Microsoft Releases Huge OneNote Update for Windows 10

Microsoft has released a huge update for the Windows 10 OneNote app that introduces a slew of…

Microsoft Launcher Beta for Android Updated With New Features and Animation

Microsoft Launcher Beta for Android is getting a big update today with new features, animations, and other…

Microsoft Released Windows 7 & 8.1 Cumulative Updates KB4345459 & KB4345424

If you're still running Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, then it's time to head to Microsoft's…