Disney Plus streaming service: Release date, price, shows and movies to expect – CNET

Here's everything we know about Disney Plus, the entertainment giant's Netflix-like push into streaming.

Madden shooting victims confirmed, gamers mourn deaths of esports athletes – CNET

Elijah Clayton, 22, and Taylor Robertson, 28, were killed Sunday at the video game tournament in…

Xbox All Access official: Console + Xbox Live + Game Pass for monthly fee – CNET

Microsoft unveils a subscription package for buying an Xbox One, starting at $22 a month.

Prayers flood in after shooting at Madden tournament: ‘Esports as one today’ – CNET

EA Sports and others tweet condolences as details on the deadly shooting at the video game…

Dominic Monaghan joins Star Wars Episode 9 – CNET

Charlie from Lost is now in Star Wars, reuniting with JJ Abrams.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate extended hands-on: A beefier Nintendo brawler – CNET

The fighter gets to the punch faster then ever, sending you (or your opponents) flying.

Star Wars actor Kelly Marie Tran stands up to racism in powerful op-ed – CNET

The star is speaking out for the first time since leaving Instagram due to online harassment.…

Lego’s Star Wars Cloud City depicts Empire Strikes Back moments – CNET

Four Star Wars moments, one set.