YC-backed Pilot is building a contractor platform geared for the future of work

 What’s a six year old startup doing entering Y Combinator? Plotting a new growth trajectory after…

Don’t expect uplift in delivery drones for years, says Gartner

 While delivery drones might be an excellent PR vehicle for Amazon’s Prime membership brand, they will…

Ideal Flatmate wants to be a matchmaking platform for UK flatshares

 Londoners in the unfun position of needing to find a new flatmate — and lacking the…

Europe agrees to end geoblocks on travelers’ digital subscriptions by 2018

 European consumers will be able to make use of digital subscriptions as they travel around the…

FaceApp uses neural networks for photorealistic selfie tweaks

 If you’re finding the vision of Trump’s visage with a smile on it generating ‘uncanny valley’…

Legal challenge to Facebook EU-US data transfer mechanism kicks off in Ireland

 Another legal challenge to a data transfer authorization mechanism relied upon by Facebook and thousands of…

RankScience wants to replace your SEO staff

 The dark art of search engine optimization could be next in line for software-powered automation —…

Google and Facebook partner for anti-fake news drive during French election

 The first round of the French presidential election is due to be held in April. So…