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Author: PC & Tech Authority - Latest Articles
Group Test: Best free antivirus of 2017 – Which free antivirus package should you be using?
Want to know what the best free antivirus package is? Our guide shows you which free…
Apple’s iPhone 8 ‘will boast super-fast facial recognition’
Apple wants its facial recognition to be the fastest on the market - report.
From flatscreen TVs to your smartphone: The element boron deserves more attention
Boron is often ignored, but it’s got a lot of important qualities.
Researchers find more malware-infested apps on Google Play
Bankbot found in apps uploaded by same author on Google Play, abuses Accessibliity Service feature.
Head2Head: Samsung Galaxy Note 8 vs iPhone 8 (Plus)
The freshly released Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is garnering critical acclaim, but how will it fare…
Chrome Enterprise aims to make IT admins’ lives easier
Google releases management tool for Chromebook deployments.