Google launches Drive File Stream to replace Google Drive on desktop

Google Drive for Mac and PC is being deprecated and will shut down next year

Retailer confirms October 5 date for 6-core Coffee Lake processors

Intel's next processor lunch is coming next month.

The PodCase will both store and charge your Apple AirPods

Never go flat again.

New Magic: The Gathering Arena PC game

And you can sign up the upcoming closed beta test now!

SpaceX launches top-secret space shuttle before Irma reaches Florida

SpaceX has skirted Hurricane Irma to send a top-secret military shuttle into space...

Friday Linky Links: In The Chair

Your weekly round-up of pop-culture news, now 75% more baseless speculation.

The iPhone 8 is nearly here, but do people care?

Only 16% of existing iPhone users say they'll definitely buy the iPhone 8 - analysts.

It’s still thinking! New games for Sega Dreamcast

Every time somebody tries to pull the plug, some new brain activity arises.