How the iPhone X changes the way you use iOS

How the iPhone X changes the way you will use iOSImage by AppleApple made a splash…

10 Chrome browser alternatives for Android

10 smart browser alternatives to Chrome for AndroidImage by IDGJust because almost everyone else uses Google's…

10 smart browser alternatives to Safari for iOS

10 alternative browsers for iOSImage by IDGChances are your corporate IT policy dictates which browser you…

Nvidia wants enterprises to join it in Holodeck VR environment

Nvidia is inviting 3D designers aboard its Holodeck, a high-resolution collaborative environment that businesses can use…

Google tightens grip on Android hardware with HTC deal

Google is buying its way back into the smartphone business, almost four years after selling its…

How the iPhone X changes the way you use iOS

How the iPhone X changes the way you will use iOSImage by AppleApple expects to make…

IFA: The ‘corporate’ electronics show

IFA: The corporate electronics showImage by Peter Sayer/IDGIFA, the consumer electronics show held in Berlin each…

IBM makes leap in quantum computing power

IBM has some new options for businesses wanting to experiment with quantum computing.Quantum computers, when they…