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Author: Preston Gralla
Is Donald Trump right about H-1B visa abuse?
As part of his “America First” campaign, President Trump has set his sights on the H-1B…
Is Donald Trump right about H-1B visa abuse?
As part of his “America First” campaign, President Trump has set his sights on the H-1B…
Review: Windows 10 Creators Update is here and worth the download (with video)
Windows 10 Creators Update, the first major update to Microsoft's operating system since last summer's Windows…
Trump’s budget: Say goodbye to U.S. tech pre-eminence
The internet was created thanks to funding from the U.S. government — and the United States…
How to fix five Windows 10 headaches
Microsoft Windows 10 has gone a long way towards fixing the problems that were endemic with…
Get ready for the Windows 10 Creators Update
Sometime this spring, probably in April, Microsoft will release the Creators Update, one of the two…
It’s time to tax the robots
Bill Gates has a modest proposal: Tax robots to slow the growth of automation and fund…