With just a tap or two, you can quickly locate any app or contact. Like iOS'…
Author: Rick Broida
Get iTunes’ Essential 10-Film Collection for $9.99 – CNET
This rare movie sale includes titles like "Gangs of New York," "Memento" and the endlessly quotable…
7 New Year’s tech resolutions – CNET
Fast and easy ways to make tech work smarter, not harder, in 2017.
Is there a cash-back option for that store? The Cash Back Button tells you – CNET
Save time and score more rebates with this handy browser plug-in.
3 ways to get a better grip on your phone – CNET
Having a hard time operating that big screen single-handed? These clever accoutrements can help, as well…
The Cheapskate’s favorite deals of the year – CNET
Let's take a look back at some of 2016's best bargains -- many of which are…
9 must-know Amazon Echo tips and tricks
Siri had a good run, but its time in the spotlight is over. Alexa has arrived,…