Google touts big VR, AR advances – CNET

If the numbers are any indication, people like Google's Cardboard viewer in a very big way.

Sheryl Sandberg condemns anti-Semitic bomb threats – CNET

"This is not the way things should be," Facebook's chief operating officer says of wave of…

Google camera hat takes on Snap, and then some – CNET

A new patent filing shows Google is thinking up new ways to send images to social…

Facebook weeds out more fake news – CNET

Called out for a raft of fake news stories that allegedly affected the 2016 US election,…

WhatsApp sued by German watchdog group over privacy – CNET

WhatsApp and Facebook have been in hot water in Germany since September for how they share…

Sorry, gamers. You can’t copyright your face. – CNET

A New York federal judge dismisses a proposed lawsuit, saying gamers didn't show Take-Two's facial-scanning tech…

Samsung Galaxy S8 rumored to launch March 29 – CNET

Plus a glimpse at the phone purported to be Samsung's newest Galaxy flagship.

Doomsday Clock now 30 seconds nearer the apocalypse, because Trump – CNET

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which created the clock 70 years ago, says it's now…