Feit IntelliBulb Switch-to-Dim 60W-Replacement LED review – CNET

Just flip this Feit LED off and back on to change the brightness level -- no…

GE’s Door in Door fridge isn’t worth it video – CNET

Like other fridges with a door-in-door compartment, the GE GFD28GELDS runs warm, and you aren't getting…

Here’s GE’s spin on the Door in Door refrigerator – CNET

LG and Samsung's refrigerators popularized door-in-door compartments -- now, GE wants in.

GE GFD28GELDS Door in Door Refrigerator review – CNET

Door-in-door compartments do nothing to make your fridge better or easier to use, and instead of…

Black Friday smart home deals to help you connect the halls – CNET

It's not just TVs -- Black Friday is a great time to score a bargain on…

Amazon Echo comes in red now to help raise funds to fight AIDS – CNET

Amazon is partnering with (RED) and donating $10 from the sale of every red Echo to…

Got $10,000? KFC’s Col. Sanders-themed Faraday cage could be yours – CNET

KFC's latest goofy gimmick is a mesh steel cage designed to cut off your cell signal…

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp comes to your phone Nov. 22 – CNET

The popular Nintendo game will arrive on Apple and Android devices this week, and will feature…