Already in its 4th edition, Invent Your Own Games with Python is pretty close to the…
Author: Sandra Henry-Stocker
IDG Contributor Network: 14 ways to keep your data safe on Data Privacy Day
Observing Data Privacy Day the right wayImage by Daniel R. Blume/Flickr/REMIXEDThis Saturday, January 28th, marks the…
IDG Contributor Network: Ransomware takes a nasty turn
Another open source database has been targeted for attack. Only this time, paying the ransom isn't…
IDG Contributor Network: MongoDB ransomware attacks and lessons learned
There are very few New Year's resolutions that carry more weight than deciding to pay more…
IDG Contributor Network: Using Unix commands to profile your users
User profiles aren't restricted to what shells your users use, what groups they are members of,…
IDG Contributor Network: 17 Unix tricks for a happy 2017
Hoping that 2017 will be a good year in some important ways, I've gathered 17 useful…
IDG Contributor Network: Book review: Facebook for Seniors
Anyone who has been reluctant or a little too intimidated to jump into the Facebook community…
IDG Contributor Network: Merry Linux to you!
Get ready to start caroling around the office with these Linux-centric lyrics to popular Christmas carols.Running…