How to start a charcoal grill – CNET

Take the time to set up your grill right and you'll be rewarded.

Can a potato make your grill nonstick? video – CNET

A cheap and easy way to keep food from sticking to your grill.

How to grill smarter this summer – CNET

Consider this your guide to cleaning and setting up your grill, staying safe, grilling burgers perfectly…

8 things you should do with Google Home right now – CNET

Ready to take your Google Home speaker to the next level? Start here.

Don’t have enough power outlets? Here’s what you can do – CNET

Get more use out of your outlets and stay safe while doing it.

7 Alexa commands you’re not using but should – CNET

You’re probably not using Alexa to its full potential. Here's how to fix that.

How to use less plastic without fully going “zero waste” – CNET

These tips will get you started without disrupting your life.

Everything you need to know about YouTube Red – CNET

YouTube's subscription service, Red, has been out for a while now. Here's why you might want…