Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s second DLC pack releases tonight – CNET

Also, Link has a motorcycle now. Surprise!

What to play this weekend: Doom VFR, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – CNET

Slim, but hearty pickings.

Hold on to your wallets: Steam’s Autumn sale is now live – CNET

Need more PC game discounts? Fine -- GOG's Black Friday sale starts today, too.

What to play this weekend: Star Wars, Pokemon and Skyrim – CNET

There's something for everyone this week. Even PlayStation Vita owners.

What to play this weekend: Call of Duty and Bubsy – CNET

The 1990s meet World War II.

World of Warcraft Classic promises the Azeroth of old – CNET

Blizzard's original massively multiplayer online RPG is coming back.

What to play this weekend: Super Mario Odyssey, Wolfenstein II – CNET

From ancient Egypt to the Mushroom Kingdom.

Analogue’s Super Nt retro console wants to be the perfect SNES – CNET

Think of it as an SNES Classic that can play your old cartridges.